Alcohol-Induced Cardiomyopathy: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Hypertension due to alcohol may be a confounding comorbidity in that it may contribute to LV dysfunction; therefore, LV dysfunction due to hypertension must be differentiated from pure AC. It’s long been known that alcohol reduces the amygdala’s reactivity to threatening stimuli while individuals are drinking. For example, some people who are on cholesterol-lowering medicines may experience muscle aches when they drink alcohol. Because alcohol and cholesterol medicine both are processed through your liver, they are, in a sense, competing for clearance. So, it’s important to think about your overall health and talk to a healthcare provider about your personal risk factors.

alcohol and enlarged heart

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The rats that received estrogen showed the benefit of having reduced weight gain and fat mass. However, compared to the rat group that did not receive estrogen, the estrogen group experienced higher blood pressure and decreased cardiac functioning. Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions for managing the condition that caused your cardiomegaly. This could mean making lifestyle changes, taking medicine or having a minimally invasive procedure.

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This eventually limits the heart’s ability to pump oxygen-rich blood around the body. Diastolic dysfunction is the earliest sign of ACM and is usually seen in approximately 30% of patients with a history of chronic alcohol abuse with no evidence of systolic dysfunction nor left ventricle hypertrophy. Dilated cardiomyopathy secondary to alcohol use does not have a pre-defined exposure time. Daily alcohol consumption of 80 g per day or more for more than 5 years significantly increases the risk, however not all chronic alcohol users will develop Alcohol-induced cardiomyopathy.

  • But your heart is an important organ that should also be cared for, so be sure to drink in moderation, learn about binge drinking and know what your body can (and can’t) tolerate before opening that tab.
  • Healthcare providers detect liver damage with blood tests, such as the complete blood count and liver function tests.
  • The signs and symptoms of alcoholic cardiomyopathy (ACM) can vary depending on the severity of the condition.[6] In the early stages, people with ACM may not experience any symptoms.
  • Heart damage and certain types of heart disease can cause an enlarged heart.
  • The first study examined alcohol consumption in female rats with induced menopause versus female rats receiving an estrogen replacement.

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  • Jugular venous distention, peripheral edema, and hepatomegaly are evidence of elevated right heart pressures and right ventricular dysfunction.
  • Excessive alcohol intake can lead to high blood pressure, heart failure or stroke.
  • By the time you recognize symptoms, your liver is already significantly damaged.
  • The effect is much like how a rubber band or spring weakens when stretched too much.
  • Your healthcare provider is the best person to explain the risks and possible complications that you might face from this condition itself, related health concerns or any of the treatments that you will receive.

Frequently, a relative decrease occurs in systolic blood pressure because of reduced cardiac output and increased diastolic blood pressure due to peripheral vasoconstriction, resulting in a decrease in the pulse pressure. In many ways, your medical history (and present) can tell you a lot about your future with alcohol. That means, if you’re living with other medical conditions and/or taking certain medications, this will all have an impact on how alcohol affects you. If you have cardiomyopathy and are pregnant or thinking about pregnancy, talk with your healthcare professional. You might be referred to a doctor with experience in high-risk pregnancies.

Alcohol and Heart Disease

alcohol and enlarged heart

Let your healthcare professional know if you have a family history of the condition. Higgins also recommended that people follow the American Heart Association’s “Life’s Essential 8” guidelines to improve heart health. These guidelines include focusing on diet, increasing physical activity, and quitting nicotine.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

However, results from tissue assays have been shown to be potentially helpful in distinguishing AC from other forms of DC. Physical examination findings in alcoholic cardiomyopathy (AC) are not unique compared with findings in dilated cardiomyopathy from other causes. Elevated systemic blood pressure may reflect excessive intake of alcohol, but not AC per se. Acetaldehyde is a potent oxidant and, as such, increases oxidative stress, leading to the formation of oxygen radicals, with subsequent endothelial and tissue dysfunction. Acetaldehyde may also result in impairment of mitochondrial phosphorylation.

Alcoholic cardiomyopathy

alcohol and enlarged heart

The earlier you receive care, the better your chances for a positive outcome. Early cardiomegaly treatment can stop the condition from getting worse. Cardiomegaly, or an enlarged heart, is an indicator of a condition that puts a strain on your heart. Your healthcare provider can use imaging to measure your heart’s size, but they’ll want to find the cause of your enlarged heart.

alcohol and enlarged heart

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