Age and alcohol: understand the effects of drinking as you get older

does alcohol make you look older

Joy Manning, a Philadelphia-based freelance writer and creator of the Instagram account Better Without Booze, can also attest to the life-changing effects of sobriety. She said she just celebrated her 600th day of not drinking. Another reason to limit your alcohol intake is that it’s one of the main culprits for those extra pounds you’ve mysteriously put on. Not only are boozy drinks often empty calories with little to no nutrients, but alcohol can cause people to eat more food.

How Alcohol Affects Your Eyes

Researchers are also studying the possibility that alcoholic liver disease might be caused, at least in part, by your immune system attacking healthy body tissues. Alcohol can affect the way some vital organs work and make them age faster. While heavy drinkers are more likely to have cirrhosis (permanent damage to your liver), even moderate drinking can lead to problems like fatty liver disease. It also can make it harder for your kidneys to do their thing. When a person suspects a problem with alcohol, it is essential to seek help.

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However, drinking excessive amounts on a regular basis puts you at risk of developing alcohol use disorder (AUD), also known as alcohol dependence, alcoholism, and alcohol abuse. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans define excessive drinking as more than two a day for men and more than one a day for women. While it might not much attention, alcohol and aging is a real thing.

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This can manifest as visible dehydration, as alcohol saps your skin of fluid. Heavy drinking, be it wine, beer, liquor, or other alcoholic drinks, can negatively affect everything, from your skin, hair, and eyes to your ability to sleep and heal. There’s no better time than now to take steps to stop drinking. As you age, the body’s mechanisms that protect you from free radicals diminish. Therefore, you’re at a greater risk of developing a wide range of health problems, including the neurodegenerative conditions that affect your cognition and memory. Broken capillaries, the tiny blood vessels near the surface of the skin, tend to crop up as you get older.

Other Ways that Alcohol Impacts Aging

Wearing sunscreen of at least 30 SPF will keep your skin looking fresh and youthful. Liver disease isn’t reversible, but you can treat some of the skin conditions it causes to help make  symptoms less noticeable. These conditions don’t have a cure, but treatment can help make symptoms more manageable and have less of an effect on your appearance. Ultimately, the risk-vs-enjoyment calculus of consuming alcohol should be considered on an individual basis, based on your current health status, your medication use, and other factors, experts say. “I don’t think alcohol is evil by any means but it’s a riskier proposition as you get older—you have to be more cautious,” says Moore. If you do decide to drink, professionals recommend that people over 65 shouldn’t take more than one standard drink each day and no more than 7 each week.

Skin Changes

Furthermore, chronic heavy drinking often causes extreme damage to internal organs. In fact, one study uncovered that alcohol makes the body age at the cellular level, which heightens the risks for developing age-related illnesses. Also, alcohol can damage the liver, which is responsible for the detoxification of the body. When this occurs, premature aging results and has vast negative effects on a person’s appearance. The ways in which alcohol can affect someone internally are widely known and documented.

does alcohol make you look older

Habitual actions like these will lead to cavities, acne, and similar issues. To better understand the relationship between alcohol consumption and mortality risk, particularly concerning the influence of smoking status, more high-quality studies are needed. So, individuals who stop drinking due to the onset of health issues later in life may, therefore, seem to have shorter lifespans than those who consume alcohol moderately.

  1. Also, factors that are not yet known could have influenced the results.
  2. One novel clock that is built from DNA modifications in monocytes, which was developed by Xu’s group, shows the strongest association with alcohol consumption and epigenetic age.
  3. This led to significantly lower mortality estimates for low-volume drinkers compared to abstainers, without considering lifetime drinking habits.
  4. In other words, a person suffers from poor quality of sleep.
  5. In addition, people with alcohol addiction tend to have nutritional deficiencies that can impact the eyes.

Normally, the body creates a hormone called vasopressin, which helps your body retain water, limiting the amount of fluid that you excrete through the renal system. This helps prevent you from becoming dehydrated when you’re not drinking. Miami real estate agent Alina Freyre said she and her husband, Andy Freyre, stopped drinking two years ago. Not only did they lose weight — 50 pounds for her and 80 pounds for him — but she said it was the “best thing that has ever happened” to them. Below is a breakdown of just how alcohol takes a toll on your body and mind, making you look and feel older than you should ― plus some advice on how to cut back but still cut loose. The idea of having a drink to relax before bedtime may not be a good one, especially as you get older.

Your doctor can give you abuse screenings to see how your drinking has affected your health. They can also recommend alcohol abuse programs specifically for older adults. Older adults with mental health conditions such as depression, dementia, cognitive impairments, or anxiety are at a greater risk for developing problems with alcohol. Alcohol abuse can then worsen the symptoms of those conditions.

Some interactions between alcohol and medication can be life-threatening. Mixing alcohol with opioids or benzodiazepines like diazepam (Valium) is one potentially deadly combination. It depresses the central nervous system by altering how neurotransmitters submit signals to the brain.

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